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Essential IV Treatments
Brought right to you, our IV treatments delivers essential nutrients, including electrolytes, minerals, and vitamins straight to you. These nutrients are rapidly absorbed, giving you results and boosting your overall wellness. Our drips contain excellent combinations of B-Complex covering B1, B3, B2, B5, B6, Vitamin C, B-12, Magnesium, Biotin, Glutathione, Taurine, Zinc, Calcium, Selenium, Vitamin D3 and Amino Blends of Proline, Arginine, Lysine and Citrulline. If you are unsure of which one to select, no problem! We can go over what your goals are and ensure you get the best option for YOU.
Lifestyle IV Treaments
Brought right to you, our Lifestyle IV Mixtures are tailored to treat the day to day symptoms of life. Stress, Brain Fog, Women's Monthly, Prenatal Comforts and more. These nutrients are rapidly absorbed, giving you results and boosting your overall wellness. Our drips contain excellent combinations of B-Complex covering B1, B3, B2, B5, B6, Vitamin C, B-12, Magnesium, Biotin, Glutathione, Taurine, Zinc, Calcium, Selenium, Vitamin D3 and Amino Blends of Proline, Arginine, Lysine and Citrulline. If you are unsure of which one to select, no problem! We can go over what your goals are and ensure you get the best option for YOU.
Are you looking for the IM or SubQ Injections? We have options for you. We offer B-12, Vitamin D, Biotin and MICC. Covering you for Energy, Immunity, Beauty and Weight-loss assist.
Holistic Health Planning
Are you looking to partner with a Holistic Health Nurse Coach to navigate the path to your optimal health? Through conversation during the initial discovery meeting, we will go over the 6 aspects of holistic health and reflect on your current status. Following that, we will create treatment plans and progress goals made by you with the help of your nurse coach. Our ultimate goal is your optimal health and creating lifestyle changes to ensure you're living your best life holistically. Ready to upgrade your mindset, lifestyle and wellness? We sure can't wait to be a part of your growth!
1:1 Yoga Session
Movement is an important component for wellness. Connecting your mind, body and spirit through yogic practices will achieve inner feelings of ease, peace and confidence in YOUrself. Utilize a knowledgable yogi to guide you in the direction you'd like. Our expertise instructor holds space for you and guides you as much or as little as needed. We tailor to your optimal health through a holistic strategy.
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